Friday, August 29, 2014

In a couple of days, August will be over.
In a couple of hours, it will be my last night in Naperville with my family.
In a couple of (more) hours, I will be a Minnesota resident.
In a couple of weeks, I will be a full-time worker. 
So, so, so weird. 

I was taking a look at my baby steps for August; reflecting and reevaluating how this month went. I completed a lot of the tasks I had set (minus the bonfire and Japan scrapbook), but overall, the month was a pretty tough one. Creatively, I felt no motivation or juice left in me to make anything. Physically, I felt like a squishy sloth (lolz @ the alliteration) all of the time. I wasn't eating healthy or being active or sleeping regularly, so my body often felt sluggish and slow. (But hey, calories don't count in your birthday month.) Spiritually, I was inconsistent; very reactive to my surrounding and circumstances versus standing firm and remaining bold. Overall, I treated August as an 'interim' month, just a fill-in until real life began. Don't get me wrong, the break was really nice and probably much my last one ever, but everyone around me was starting life and school and work, and for me, I was on pause. 

And let me tell you, I hate pausing for too long. I just hate it. I've never been that kind of person. I hate being stagnant. It makes me restless and lazy and crazy. I need change and movement and projects and challenges and surroundings and new grace thrown my way. I like to be elbow-deep in work, in growth, in dreams — and not just any kind, but meaningful work, intentional growth, and ginormous dreams/prayers. Hey, that's kinda catchy. Maybe I should make that my slogan for the year... ;) 

One of my "baby steps" were to turn 22. I'll save ya the suspense, I succeeded. I turned 22. I'm sure the suspense was just killing ya on that one. Anyway, with a new year, I made a list of 22 vows/dreams I'd like to do before I turn 23. :) This is my first time doing this so I threw in a mix of lifestyle changes, bucket list-worthy tasks, and also some simple ones. It's on the calm side — nothing like go bun-jee jumping or drink 22 shots in 22 hours or whatever people actually add to their bucket list. But this is mine, and this is what it looks like. Inspired by Elise's #makeitpublicmakeithappen, to share things with you. Here it goes!

22 VOWS:

1. Memorize 22 verses.
2. Cook 22 dishes.
3. Read 22 books.
4. Send 22 letters.
5. Do quiet time daily.
6. Take more photos.
7. Develop more photos.
8. Learn something new.
9. Start a bible study.
10. Pick up a new sport/physical activity. Barre? 
11. Develop Etsy shop.
12. Be deeply invested in a community.
13. Be intentional with my time and relationships and money. 
14. Run a race.
15. Visit 22 different cities.
16. Write a song.
17. Call family often.
18. Serve at a retreat.
19. Give the blog a makeover + ad spaces.
20. Volunteer. 
21. Love my job.
22. Love God more than I did the year before.



Sunday, August 10, 2014

I believe in friendships. Not because I have perfected the art of it or am currently in perfect friendships, but because it is through friendships God has taught me grace and love. It is through friendships I have experienced healing and joy and freedom.

I believe in stories. Not because I have the most outrageous stories to share, but because it's through stories God shows me fingerprints of Himself. I've always loved stories — reading them, exchanging them, and even writing them. When I first met God (and even as I continue to experience Him), He reminds me of the greatest story of them all - the story about the cross and how it radically changed my life.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It'ssssss August! And you know what that means? Birthday month — for both this blog and myself! My favorite month of the year. :) I thought it was only appropriate to do a 'baby steps' post for this month with so much happening right now. In the past, entering August = entering a new school year, but since I graduated in May, I am officially done with school. No more first day of school outfit, no more syllabus, no more books... Entering August = entering real world. If you've been following me on Twitter or Instagram, then you know that I am actually relocating from Illinois to Minneapolis in just a couple of weeks for my new job. (!!!) Ah, it is so surreal. I want to try to document this transition into young adult life as much as possible on this blog. Hope ya don't get sick of me! Cheers! 


send out thank-you letters | My missions trip to Japan was only possible thanks to a huge support system from family members, friends, and my church. I bought a huge stack of stationary to send out hand-written thank you letters to all of the individuals who supported me. Gotta get this done ASAP! I'm already behind!

have a bonfire | Because, summer.

go on a picnic | See above.

create a japan scrapbook | It was a month that changed my life and I don't want to forget any of it. :) I want to create a scrapbook with some of my favorite verses and photos to really capture the memories.

develop photos | I have so many photos stored on my external hard drive that were never published, not even from Italy (!!!), and I want to print them all out to line my future walls.

continue 'if:equip' reading plan | If you don't know about IF or Jennie Allen yet, stop everything you are doing (including reading my blog) and click here. This is a community & resource I am so happy I discovered and don't know what I did without. It was a timely discovery, and immensely helpful into my re-entry back to the US. I love all of the womens' heart of the If community, and they press me more into Jesus daily.

donate old clothes | Purging my closet was a chore that was much needed. Like, yesterday.

buy furniture | Because real world apartments don't come fully furnished? Shocking, right? I know. It was for me, too. I need to get me some real couches, rugs, kitchen stools, and the whole shabang. Grown up toys. 

celebrate twenty two | Yup. Taylor Swift on repeat, please.

say goodbye | Cue sad music here. A huge part of moving also means saying goodbye. I've lived in Naperville for 10+ years. It's going to be bittersweet move. Sweet to begin a new exciting journey, sad to leave behind all of my best friends and loved ones. On the bright side, maybe this will call for one last summer bash, though? 

move to minnesota | Entering real world. 

XOXO: What about you? What are your goals for this month? Join the conversation!

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